Key Sector Stats
Education is a key pillar of Uzbekistan's long-term economic growth, with ambitious targets set by the government to establish the sector as world-leading. With offerings of a first-class education from pre-school to university, and a 99% national literacy rate, Uzbekistan stands ready to lead the way.
By 2030, the government has also set a target of 50% university enrolment for high school graduates, with a strong focus on specialised technical fields. To reach this goal, plans are underway to build 30 new universities. A key objective is to partner with foreign universities to establish branches or create dual degree programmes to open doors for international education collaboration. The government has also committed to a considerable 44.2% increase in the higher education budget.
One of Uzbekistan’s educational strengths is language. With priority given to English, German, Turkish, Arabic, Korean, Japanese and others, this strategy is producing a multilingual workforce which makes Uzbekistan an attractive destination for international companies.