Why Uzbekistan



Uzbekistan’s economy is rapidly gaining momentum. GDP growth in 2023 of 6% is just a snapshot in a much longer trajectory of growth. Some attribute our explosive economic expansion to population size and character: Uzbeks are aged, on average, only 29; 99% are literate; 83% enjoy internet access.


Foreign trade growth


Corporate taxes for businesses in IT Park

$70 bln

FDI over past 5 years

Others identify the government’s privatisation program as a key driver of growth, as well as the state’s plans to reduce businesses’ regulatory burden by 30% by the end of the decade. But just as important to Uzbekistan’s economic transformation have been our expanding trading relationships with the rest of the world.


average age




internet access

In 2023, the country witnessed foreign trade growth of 25%, and whole new sectors of the economy are flourishing as global investment pours into the country. Whether it’s pioneering renewable energy projects in wind and solar, high value-added tech and IT projects in Tashkent’s booming IT Park or a burgeoning consumer sector catering to digital-savvy young Uzbeks, market liberalisation is reshaping Uzbekistan for the better.

Uzbekistan’s economic transformation is
advanced but not yet complete – will you join us?